24 May Trademark design for craftmanship in Comunitat Valenciana
Trademark design for craftmanship in Comunitat Valenciana
Traditional commercial market is in an intensive care unit due to the pandemic, and for this reason handicraft needs to be approached in a new way, countering industrialisation and highlighting values like sustainability, local know-how, cosiness and handwork, as well as respect towards materials.
This were the principles under which we renewed trademark design for Artesanía de la Comunidad Valenciana (Comunidad Valenciana’s craftmanship), and time proved us right. A trademark to which we imbued dynamism, movement and a more modern taste. A trademark fitted for the 21st century.
#sanserifcreatius #inspireideas #cosasquehacemos #diseño #design #unaimagenvalemasquemilpalabras #decoracion #madeinspain #interiorismo #Artesanía #CACV #ComunitatValenciana #crafts #trademark #marca #sostenibilidad #CentrodeArtesanía