03 Sep Ceràmica Oberta artisan’s look
If you see an artisan dressed like this, it means that you are enjoying Ceràmica Oberta in Manises next Saturday, September 17th. Or that you have managed to complete this year’s Ceràmica Oberta passport…
Either way, remember that around fifty artisans will be opening the doors of their workshops and will also offer playful activities in the street for the whole family, including your pet.
You can get more information and book workshops free of charge at: https://ceramicaobertamanises.es/
And do not worry if you run out of a place, as there are many activities on a permanent schedule for all audiences and extra sessions will be offered to visitors, being able to visit the workshops and stands.
You can tour Manises with the Tourist Train and move from activity to activity with the whole family, thanks to the Tourism Councilors and the Ceramic Promotion of Manises 📲 www.sanserif.es
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