20 Sep More than 2,000 people visit Ceràmica Oberta Manises
The media are paying attention to Ceràmica Oberta and highlight the high rate of participation of artisans and visitors, who are interested in getting to know the ceramics of Manises (Valencia). Here are a couple of sample entries:
- Two of the most visited workshops and demonstration activities at Cerámica Oberta were a portable ceramic kiln and also, ceramics that reuse fragments of pieces to compose new hybrid objects. Cerámica Oberta is an open day for the ceramic workshops and factories of Manises, which attracted more than 2,000 people this Saturday”.
Más información en Las Provincias: https://www.lasprovincias.es/horta/miles-personas-visitan-20220919130057-nt.html
2. The news programme of Valencian TV station A Punt also picked up the news on the same day of the event, as did other municipal and regional audiovisual media, highlighting the quality of the master ceramists’ work from Manises.
Más información en A Punt (A partir del min. 37): https://www.apuntmedia.es/informatius/a-punt-ntc/complets/17-09-2022-informatiu_134_1545537.html
3. In addition to children’s workshops on modelling and potter’s wheel, the participants were able to learn how to decorate socarrats (the tradition of decorating clay), paint on ceramic bisque or learn how the kiln-cart works, designed by the potter Jaime Romero from the municipality of Vinalesa, which was presented in the century-old ceramic paste factory Vicente Díez.
In fact, the most popular activities were the visits to the centre of the Valencian Association of Ceramists (Avec-Gremio) and to the active ceramic factories in the municipality. Ceramic factories such as Cerámicas Palanca, specialising in yellow earthenware; or La Cerámica Valenciana by José Gimeno, the oldest in operation of the whole Valencian community; or also the aforementioned Vicente Díez, an international benchmark in high-temperature handmade ceramic pastes. All these were activities and affluences that extended to workshops such as those of Maribel Martínez, Aliarte Cerámica or those offered by the National Association of Ceramic Professionals (Anpec)”.
Más información en Horta Noticias: https://www.hortanoticias.com/manises-exito-nueva-edicion-ceramica-oberta/
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