05 Aug Pet-friendly pottery to do with the family in Manises
You might already know that Manises is the ceramic city, but you probably didn’t know that they organize an open day with 100% free activities, workshops and pottery demonstrations with pet-friendly vocation.
If you would like to enjoy pottery with your pet, you cannot miss the Ceràmica Oberta day on Saturday, 17th of September (10 to 14h & 16 to 20h), in Manises. Around half a hundred artisans open their workshops or offer playful activities on the street for the whole family, including your pet.
You can read more about it and book free workshop activities in the following link: www.ceramicaobertamanises.es
There will be activities held in three different parts of the city –all pet-friendly (C/Torrent, C/Valencia & C/Mestre Serrano)– that you can join with your loyal friend, meeting the basic coexistence rules: animals shall remain tied to the lead throughout the duration of their stay, it does not matter if the lead is holded by their owners or if it is tied to the chair; pets are not allowed to get on chairs or tables and the workshops need to be booked previously.
The access to the exterior activities is free, and the pets access to the activities held inside has to be consulted in case the size of the room or the products used can be a risk to them. And, as it should be, there will be water dishes for pets in every information point.
Bring yourself to try pottery. And do it with the whole family, pet included.
Moreover, every activity has been designed to avoid the architectural barrier, guaranteeing universal access.
#CerámicadeManises #CeràmicaOberta #ManisesCityofCeramics #ManisesUnesco #sinbarreras #accesibilidadunivesas #PuertasAbiertas #TalleresArtesanos #TodoslosPúblicos #Petfriendly #mascotas #perros