ties, finalists of PACV15
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Attitude is an exclusive collection of silk and hand-painted ties, which are inspired by the geometry and by traditional patterns of industrial ceramics in our region. This collection is born from the collaboration of the designer Ana Yago ( and the skilled artisan in textile printing José Antonio Giménez. In this the first establishes the concept, the basic lines of the collection and the creative direction of the same, while the artisan brings his technical skills in order to carry out the designs that have been raised. This collection has been selected as the finalist of the Premios Artesanía Comunitat Valenciana, whose award will be presented in March.


It is a collaboration that, as the craftsman brand ‘After’ defines, aims to go beyond in the artisan production of a textile supplement which has now suffered a setback in its use. However, it reveals the asthethic sense of the wearer, meets the time of a message, speech or indication; translates the feelings and mood of that. The tie is a communication tool; therefore, it is said under certain circumstances that the someone without a tie looks like a Robinson, alone on the island and isolated from the rest.


These guidelines have been translated into 7 aesthetic lines covering the various compositions inspired by the shape of the tesserae drawings of the mosaics created by Valencian companies with international projection as Nolla. This has an international image that was linked to the quality of this fired ceramic to high temperatures, which conferred her exceptional benefits for the time.