José Antonio Giménez: When shoes explain the world we live in
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José Antonio Giménez: When shoes explain the world we live in

José Antonio Giménez: When shoes explain the world we live in

Jose A GimenezShoes and feet say much about the economy and moral health of this world. There are only two types of countries in the world we live in: those where there are more feet than shoes and those where there are more shoes than feet.

We cannot put the blame on shoemakers, neither can we forget that, some way or another, we all have some responsibility. Actually, fashion designers and all actors involved on clothes and accessories creation that dress our nakedness are one of the most aware groups.

The aim of this book is to print this actions in black on white, most of them invisible for the society, which allow a more equitable relationship among design, economy and sustainability. Or, which is to say, to establish more equal balance between feet and shoes in a near future.

As well as, at the beginning, we have borrowed a Luis Piedrahita’s thought -if my memory serves me correctly- we have also borrowed the personal opinions and reflections of the authors that have accepted to take part in this second volume of Hiatus, exclusively dedicated to fashion.

We are not only talking about eco-design or responsible practice, but also about the constant reinvention of the supply, the creative process and the devotion for a profession without which we will not have shoes or anything to dress our nakedness. Actually, I would not make us more similar, but would make our differences more acute, and would culturally impoverish a society which owes fashion more than we think. More info en

*Este texto es un avance de Hiatus II · Black on white book, publicación que reune la opinión de una veintena de representante de la moda sostenible de una docena de países.